Our Policies
Pediatric care policies can change from office to office, and we understand that. Below, you will find most of our policies and procedures. Please note that this is not a complete list, but rather the most asked-for policies.
Please make yourself aware of these policies before your visit.
Pediatric Associates of Northern Colorado (PANC) is committed to providing the highest quality of medical care and developing a strong provider-patient relationship with you and your child. To support this commitment, we are providing you with a clear statement of our office and billing policies, which are listed below. We ask that all parents or legal guardians sign and acknowledge the receipt of this document.
Healthcare billing through insurance companies can be confusing and if you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call a member of our Billing Staff - 970-440-2120.
Responsible Party/Guarantor
The “Responsible Party or Guarantor” is the person who is responsible for the payment of services.
It is your responsibility to verify that our office is a “in-network provider.”
NOTE: We require a signed authorization/permission form for another caregiver to bring your child for an appointment. Please make sure that we have this one file to prevent any delays with visits.
NOTE: A updated authorization will need to be signed by the patient for parent or caregiver to be able to speak with a provider or clinical staff regarding any patient medical information.
Insurance Coverage:
We recommend you contact your insurance company to determine if we are in-network providers. Although Pediatric Associates contracts with most commercial insurance companies, it is difficult to know if we are in-network with all of the different plans. Please contact the member services number located on the back of your insurance card to determine provider information.
If your insurance is determined as a discount plan, such as Medishare discount plan, you will be considered self-pay, and a claim can be provided to you for submittal to insurance for reimbursement.
After we have submitted a claim to insurance, we will send you an itemized statement. Payment is due upon the receipt of the first statement. If you have questions or need to set up payment arrangements please call our billing office Monday-Friday 8:00-3:00pm. Delinquent accounts (over 90 days past due), will be sent to collections. NOTE: If your account goes to collections, you will be dismissed from the practice. We will only be available for emergency care for 30 days, until you establish care with another physician.
We work hard to not overuse antibiotics.
We educate families on appropriate use of antibiotics, but follow evidence-based guidelines and don’t automatically treat ear pain or a green snotty nose with antibiotics.
We do not routinely prescribe antibiotics over the phone as we do not believe that is good medicine. We will prescribe an antibiotic when we believe it is an appropriate treatment.
Efficiency through the use of technology
You will be encouraged to consult our website, register for and use our patient portal, and effectively use automated reminders for appointments and for routine care/immunizations that are due.
We want to ensure the highest level of health and safety for the children we care for in our practice. That means that all children should be fully immunized. The only medical appropriate exceptions are for children with an allergy to a vaccine component or immunodeficiency syndromes in which some vaccines are contraindicated.
In the last twenty years, there have been outbreaks of diseases in the United States that could have prevented by vaccines. Many of these outbreaks have led to infections in unvaccinated children, because they are at greater risk for these diseases. While the recent epidemics of measles and pertussis (whooping cough) infections have primarily affected unvaccinated children, they also disproportionately affect children with developmental disabilities and those receiving chemotherapy for cancer, who are medically vulnerable due to these chronic illnesses.
Well-funded, well-publicized anti-vaccine groups have continued to recycle discredited pseudo-scientific studies and spread alarming misinformation about vaccines. This has led to confusion even in those who are strongly supportive of vaccines. We understand that those families who are reluctant to vaccinate their children only want to want to do what is best for their children and are fearful that the stories might be true. We believe that the anti-vaccine movement has done a great disservice to these children and families.
Even if you are not planning to vaccinate your child, we hope to discuss your concerns in our clinic. We would be more than happy to share resources we trust with you to help you answer questions you may have. You can explore the helpful links available on our family resources page to get started.
We firmly believe in the effectiveness of vaccines to prevent serious illness and to save lives. We also believe that the families who visit our clinic want their children safely protected from infectious diseases.
We firmly believe in the safety of our vaccines.
We firmly believe that all children and young adults should receive all of the recommended vaccines according to the schedule published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
There is no medical reason to alter or delay the schedule. Vaccines contain only a small number of unique immune stimulators. We are exposed to far more immune stimulators on a daily basis than if all of the vaccines combined.
We have spent hundreds of hours educating parents. We believe that our education has been solidly founded on scientific evidence.
We firmly believe, based on all available literature, evidence, and current studies, that vaccines do not cause autism or other developmental disabilities. We firmly believe that thimerosal does not cause autism or other developmental disabilities. In addition, thimerosal has been removed from almost all vaccines.
We believe that it is important for all children to be vaccinated.
We firmly believe that much of the protection of vaccines comes from herd immunity. Most vaccines produce immunity in 90–95% of children. The remaining 5% who do not produce immunity are protected by herd immunity. This means that a highly vaccinated population limits the spread of most infections – even to those who are not vaccinated – by preventing infection spreading from one person in the midst of the large population or “herd.”. As more people choose not to vaccinate, herd immunity is eroded, putting everyone at greater risk.
We plan to keep seeing unvaccinated children.
There is a growing trend among pediatric practices to decline seeing patients who are not vaccinated. At this time, we plan to continue to see unvaccinated children in the hope that we can help families to understand the importance of vaccines and their safety, and ultimately convince them to vaccinate their child.
There may be a time in the future that we will also follow this national trend and ask these families to seek another medical provider. If you decline recommended vaccines, your provider will ask you to complete the American Academy of Pediatrics Refusal to Vaccinate Form, which will be scanned into your child’s medical record.
If your child is ill with a possible vaccine-preventable disease, please enter through the building’s side door after alerting us you have arrived.
Symptoms of a vaccine-preventable disease may include:
A mask may also be required for your child if coughing is a symptom.
There will likely be additional tests ordered for your child if they are at risk for a serious vaccine-preventable disease. In some cases, if it is deemed likely that your child is suffering from a vaccine-preventable disease, your child may need to be seen in the ER rather than in our clinic.
Please do not bring your child into the office if you suspect they may have a vaccine-preventable disease without observing these precautions. It is our duty to protect all of the patients in our waiting room — especially those who cannot be vaccinated due to age or medical contraindications.
Please let us know if you have any questions about this policy or about vaccines and their safety.
Thank you,
Your PANC provider team
Due to HIPAA regulations, our office requires written consent from a parent or legal guardian to see and/or treat children under the age of 18. This also applies to a patient being brought in by anyone other than the parent or legal guardian. Once a patient turns 18, new patient intake sheets are filled out and signed by the patient. HIPAA guidelines mandate we must have the patient’s consent to release their medical information, even to a parent.
Our office requires payment or insurer specified copayment for an office visit at the time of the visit. If we have to bill you for your copay, there will be an additional $10 billing service charge.
If you have a true emergency please call 911. Our practice offers after-hours services in case you have urgent questions that cannot wait until the morning. There are two options: You may click the "page my doctor" button on our home page and type the questions for the Children's Hospital Nurse Triage Service. Or you may call 970-484-4871 and talk to a live agent from our paging service. The Triage Nurse will then call you to determine the next steps. Next steps may include treatment recommendations over the phone phone, a referral to the ER or an urgent care center, or a follow-up appointment in the clinic the following day.
Our nurses have voicemail and messages can be left for them throughout the day. They receive a large number of calls every day, so please be patient when waiting for a return call. If the situation is critical or you need to make an appointment, please inform the receptionist so that your needs can be addressed immediately. The nurses not only receive calls with questions from patients and parents, but also calls from labs, other offices, and pharmacies for refills.
When leaving a message for the nurse, please speak clearly and be sure to leave your phone number, name, and spelling of the child’s first and last name.
If you are calling regarding results for tests not performed in our office, please leave the child’s name, the date of test, and the lab or facility at which it was performed so that the nurses have all of the information readily available when returning your call.
Please be aware it may take 72 hours for any forms to be completed.
For the quickest response please leave a Portal Message through your child's My Health Connection page.
We prefer this as the quickest way for you to get a response. Phone calls may take up to 1-2 days for a response.
Portal messages are a great way to stay connected to our office. You can send forms, PDF files and photos. You may reach out to us for any questions you may have.*
*Depending on who responds and if advice is given there may be a $25 charge for portal advice. *
Routine Medication Refills
Please contact your pharmacy first. They will contact us directly for refill requests. When leaving a message for medication refills, the nurses will need:
If an ADD/ADHD medication refill is needed, please give 48 to 72 hours of advance notice. Please send us a portal message when you need a refill, with the medication name, dose, one month or three month supply, and your pharmacy preference.
Medication recheck visits for ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and Asthma visits (if on a controller) are performed every six months. Yearly well-care visits are recommended as well and can also serve as medication recheck visits.
Forms that need to be filled out by a nurse and/or signed by provider can be dropped off at our front desk or you may scan and email to We ask for 2 to 3 business days for completion.
Please read the requirements for physicals on camp and sports forms. If you need a form filled out, and it indicates the need for a physical exam within the last year, we cannot sign the form unless your child has had a complete physical exam within that time period.
Note: If you need a form filled out the same day, we are happy to accommodate, but there will be a $20 rush fee. Simply bring the form to our office with your payment, let us know it is a rush form, and we will get it done by the end of the business day.
Sign up on My Health Connection to access your child's vaccine records from your home and print if needed. Click the portal icon on the top of our home page to get started.
Well-care physicals typically take 30 to 45 minutes. Most daycare facilities, camps, and middle-school and high school sports require a physical every 12 months. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends yearly physicals for children from two years old to 21. Visits are more frequent for children under the age of two.
Well-care physicals consist of a complete physical exam that includes:
Depending on the age of the child, we may also check for anemia and perform an autism and developmental screening. You and your care provider will discuss diet and sleep patterns. You will also have an in-depth conversation regarding safety and behavioral issues.
With adolescent physicals, discussion topics may also include high-risk behavior, sexuality, peer pressure, school-related issues, and depression. Additional screenings for anemia, high cholesterol, and depression are performed for teens.
Sick appointments are scheduled with a 15-minute time slot by default, but if your child has multiple symptoms, problems, or concerns, please let the receptionist know when you make the appointment so that more time can be reserved for their visit. We want to make sure the doctor has enough time to address all of your concerns without feeling rushed.
For online scheduling of sick appointments, you are given a few questions that will either leave the appointment time at 15 minutes or extend visit time.
Our clinic schedule is not set up for walk-in appointments. Please call ahead to set an appointment time. We have an unscheduled visit charge of $15 in addition to your copay. If you have an appointment for one of your children, but bring a sibling whom you would also like to be evaluated, there will be an unscheduled visit charge in addition to the copay for each child. Please call ahead to schedule the visit for the sibling to avoid this charge and assure that both children can be seen.
Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment.
We value the time we have set aside to see and treat your child. Over the past few years there has been a dramatic increase in no-show appointments, late for their appointment, or call to reschedule without appropriate notice. Not showing up for an appointment prevents us from scheduling other patients. Being late for an office visit causes the provider to fall behind in his or her schedule and delays the visits for other patients who arrive on time.
In consideration of our other patients, a client who arrives 10 minutes after the scheduled appointment will be asked to reschedule the appointment. This will often count as a no-show visit as well.
A missed appointment charge will be incurred as follows:
Failure to cancel prior to 24 hours before the visit will result in the following cancellation fees and is considered a no show.
• Well-Care Check - $75.00
• Medication visit: $50.00
• Evaluation (ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Depression, Consults) - $75.00
• Circumcision procedure: $75.00
• Other visits (sick, follow-up, etc.) - Failure to cancel 1 hour prior to the appointment will result in a $25.00 cancellation fee.
The above noted fees will NOT be billed to your insurance; they are your personal responsibility.
Please call 970-484-4871 to cancel or reschedule an appointment.
• No Show Appointments -Three (3) no-shows will result in dismissal from the practice. If multiple children are seen in one family, the total of (3) no-shows for the family will result in dismissal from the practice.
We accept most insurance for your child’s pediatric care. To confirm that we are an in-network provider for your insurance, please call or check your insurer’s website.
If you have any questions or need clarification about any of our insurance policies, please don’t hesitate to call.
We look forward to meeting you and beginning our relationship with you and your family!
Many insurance companies require a referral from your primary care physician before a specialist may see you. Once you have been referred to a specialist by our office, call your insurance company. You can also check your insurance provider’s website to see if the specialist is in-network and if a referral is needed. Once you have been referred, call that specialist, set up an appointment time, and then call us promptly with that date and the specialist’s name. It is important to do these steps in sequence to assure maximal insurance coverage.
Policy for Divorced or Separated Parents
Pediatric Associates of Northern Colorado’s providers and staff are dedicated to our patients. We understand that divorce or separation can be a challenging time for families, and we are committed to providing the best care possible for the children involved. To ensure that we can maintain a professional and supportive relationship with all parents, we have established the following policy:
We hope that this policy will help provide a stable and supportive environment for children and families during time of transitions. Our goal is to provide the highest quality of medical care to all of our patients and to support both parents’ efforts to care for their children.
Monday – Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
There are occasions where the office may close slightly before stated times. Sorry for the inconvenience. Our on call nurse and after hours triage service is always available!
Monday – Wednesday
8:00am - 6pm
Thursday – Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
There are occasions where the office may close slightly before stated times. Sorry for the inconvenience. Our on call nurse and after hours triage service is always available!